Scythian National Self-Government

of Csongrád-Csanád County, Hungary

Welcome to our Site!

What does it mean to be the heirs and descendants of the Scythians in the 21st century?

When Ferenc Glatz, the former President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, published his foreword in 1989 in the Chronicle of Hungarianness, it was still to be hoped that the practice of Indo-European cultural superiority, which looked down on our ancestors and our ancient culture, would disappear from public life along with communism. The author mentioned above has disparagingly qualified the equestrian cultures of the national reunification era (before 895 AD).

More than three decades have passed since then and many people still confuse the concept of patriotism with fascism, xenophobia or national arrogance. Unfortunately, not only the globalist mindset but also the national side is infected and divided.

The formation of our municipalities was preceded by the fact that more than two thousand people declared themselves to be of Scythian nationality in the last census. This number is much higher now and rising!

Who are the Scythians of the 21st century?

The Scythian name in Greek meant a community of archers more than two millennia ago. For thousands of years, in the footsteps of several sources, the nation's memory has known the Scythians, Huns and Hungarians as different names of their time. This was broken by the Finno-Ugric theory of origins , which is no longer scientific, but which has been in existence for 200 years. Several generations that have grown up since then, and the mainstream society of our time, completely forgetting the organic culture of our ancestors, have replaced the beliefs and attitudes of our ancestors. They sacrificed their souls on the altar of consumption and momentary pleasure.

Economist László Bogár said in the early 2000s that there are 400-450 thousand Hungarians in this country, the rest are the RTL (EU commercial television) people. Since then, a generation of Tiktok has grown up alongside them, living the dream of being a virtual digital slave 24 hours a day.

Having defined who we are not, let's see who claims to be Scythian today, even though we speak Hungarian. Why do we want to take the name of a "nationality that has been extinct for over 2000 years"?

What defines us?

Not by staring at the past for its own sake! The values of our ancestors are timeless and relevant in every age!

Our sacral roots

The Scythian spirituality must be brought back into the public consciousness, because in today's deserted world even those who undertake a spiritual mission are merely the company of their vocation.

For example, the majority of priests are no longer called to ministry by Jesus, but by the hope of food and wealth.

We need authentic people!

In this sense, it is almost secondary whether genetic tests prove the continuity between the Hungarians and the Scythians, the tree is known by the fruits of their actions!

Let's behave responsibly! 

Responsibility is the basis for awakened action. Responsibility, a given word, conscience have become museum pieces in the mainstream society. Everything that comes from me, I am responsible for as an adult ! Scythian morality and ethics are the first practical manifestation of the high morality of our known history! It is the great responsibility of the Scythian- Ancestral peoples to re-learn this high degree of straight moral backbone.

Let's join our forces!

The biggest lie of our time is alienation. In the last centuries, materialism has eliminated our divine origins, internationalism has eliminated our sense of nationhood, and globalism is eliminating the family. Society has become an impersonal mass. The face book of the virtual world has replaced human relationships, imperceptibly, insidiously, even barefacedly. But only dead fish swim with the current!

Let's wake up from the nightmare and reorganise society! Cooperation is the key to our survival and prosperity! Let doubt become unity again!

The only obstacle to unity is not now! Because in many cases it will be never . Usually only an extreme emergency forces the average person to seek cooperation. Sadly, even national spiritual believers are not moving! Unless national spiritually conscious people change this here and now, there will be no next generation!

People do not vote with their mouths, but with their hands and feet, i.e. they say yes! With the feet to go, with the hands to act. And action that bears lasting, good fruit is always rooted in sacred traditionand awakening consciousness.

Sacredness - Responsibility - Cooperation!

Our mission

Our mission is to represent national unity locally.

As long as the national side is divided, we are rightly ridiculed by the influential leaders of our world and our country.

We need to clearly define what Scythianism meant and what strength and capacity it can give us today.

We need to map out the sacred foundations, while leaving historically undecided questions open. We evaluate events and individuals by the fruits of their actions and build on them.

We should avoid at all costs any historical quarrels and study the arguments of scholars on both sides. In the case of a historical dispute that cannot be settled, we do not make our further actions depend on it.

It is our spiritual ambition as a county to create such a community:

  1. To know our own VALUES and to flow them joyfully towards the community, towards other sides.
  2. To strengthen, acknowledge, appreciate others and actively engage with other souls.
  3. To cooperate in our work, our livelihood, our spiritual upliftment, our self-development and to be a support in each other's lives in times of difficulties!

Much depends on how much and in what ways we can make a difference in our own lives!

The present and future of the community depends on it!

This is where our county is located. Our county seat is Szeged, but it is worth visiting Ópusztaszer and Mártély, too. We can meet in Szeged and also in Szentes.

Blessings on us! Light in us!

Meet us!

Leaders of our local Municipality. You can contact us at: 

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